The Ultimate Guide For Food Intolerance
What Is Food Intolerance?
Now, normally we have heard about food allergies. They are different from food intolerances. Usually, people who are allergic to certain food develop instant responses to them, including a rash or a rather serious anaphylactic shock.
Food intolerance reactions are comparatively mild, mostly involving skin breakouts like pimples or even hives, upset stomachs like diarrhoea, constipation, and sometimes heartburn.
Why Is Food Intolerance Important To Know About?
Food intolerance is an immune reaction by the body. Although it is not as strong as an allergic reaction, it is still unsafe. When your body consumes something it is sensitive to, food intolerance can cause a spike in your cortisol levels and cause inflammation, releasing inflammatory factors.
Such reactions can make life difficult for a person. If you want to burn your body fat or build muscular strength, it will prove a challenge for you. This is because the body is already under stress due to food intolerances and will show reluctance to burn fat or build muscle. The constant low-stress levels will prove harder to shed weight or build healthy muscles.
Moreover, it will change your appetite and trigger you into craving “comfort food” or hyper-palatable foods. Such responses will make a healthy diet even harder to eat and eventually affect your energy levels, anxiety and physical symptoms like dull skin.
How To Identify Food Intolerances?
An elimination diet is a traditional way to identify your intolerance and whether you have it or not. It means you remove all the basic food items that people commonly develop an intolerance for. It can include eggs, wheat, dairy and nuts. You can also include food that you believe might be causing problems for you, like kiwi or banana. Take them items completely off your diet for a month at least.
Observe your body changes throughout the month and then reintroduce these items one at a time. Pay attention to the symptoms your body is showing, and if everything seems fine, move to the next item on the list.
However, the elimination process is rather lengthy, and you still cannot be sure if you have figured out your intolerance completely.
To add to the accuracy, you can get an immunoglobulin test that can help you identify your food sensitivity. These can help you identify items that may be triggering your symptoms. These tests may still e open to interpretation, and you can combine the elimination diet and the IGG test for optimal results.
Final Word
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